photo JME

Jean-Matthieu Etancelin

  • Assistant professor in Mathematics
  • University of Pau

JM Etancelin


Simulation of reactive microflow in porous media

High order remeshing formulas

Hybrid and multi-scale solver for passive scalar turbulent transport

Collaborations and projets

2018-2021: (project leader) Research project of Communauté d’Agglomération de Pau-Béarn-Pyrénées

Numerical approach to fracture of Chemically Altered Carbonate Rocks for the safety of geological reservoirs

2020-2024: Member of ANR MucoReaDy, ANR Project

Mucus, Cystic Fibrosys and Respiratory Dysfunctions,

2019-2023: Member of MicroMineral, I-Site E2S-UPPA et Carnot Institute ISIFoR

Semi-Lagrangian methods for studying microscale reactifs effects from mineral CO2 storage

2018-2021: (project leader) Research project of Communauté d’Agglomération de Pau-Béarn-Pyrénées

Design and implementation of high performances codes on parallel hybrid architectures for numerical simulation of reactive micro-fluidic flows through porous media

(2015-2017) Unstationary CFD around aerodynamic profiles (ONERA)

Optimizing and up-scaling a research code, NextFlow, developped at ONERA. The aim of this code is to demonstrate feasibility of LES methods for simulating turbulent flows in realisstic aerodynamic configurations.

(2017) NCI calculations using promolecular density (ICMR and ATOS)

Développment and optimization on GPU of a specific numerical method for studying ligand-protein interaction. The main objective is to integrate this code into a genetic algorithm for modecular docking.

(2017) Yales2 GPU porting (CORIA)

Preliminary study for GPU porting of this two-phase combustion DNS simulation code.