JM Etancelin
Simulation of reactive microflow in porous media
- Dissolution of porous calcite samples under acid flow
- Real samples geometry from X ray tomography
High order remeshing formulas
- Analysis of high spatial order remeshing formulas with dimensional splitting
- Use GPUs to handle high numerical cost
Hybrid and multi-scale solver for passive scalar turbulent transport
- Use different scales for flow (coarse scale) and scalar transport (fine scale) computations
- Exploit different architectures for flow (CPUs) and transport (GPUs) solvers
Collaborations and projets
2018-2021: (project leader) Research project of Communauté d’Agglomération de Pau-Béarn-Pyrénées
Numerical approach to fracture of Chemically Altered Carbonate Rocks for the safety of geological reservoirs
2020-2024: Member of ANR MucoReaDy, ANR Project
Mucus, Cystic Fibrosys and Respiratory Dysfunctions,
2019-2023: Member of MicroMineral, I-Site E2S-UPPA et Carnot Institute ISIFoR
Semi-Lagrangian methods for studying microscale reactifs effects from mineral CO2 storage
2018-2021: (project leader) Research project of Communauté d’Agglomération de Pau-Béarn-Pyrénées
Design and implementation of high performances codes on parallel hybrid architectures for numerical simulation of reactive micro-fluidic flows through porous media
(2015-2017) Unstationary CFD around aerodynamic profiles (ONERA)
Optimizing and up-scaling a research code, NextFlow, developped at ONERA. The aim of this code is to demonstrate feasibility of LES methods for simulating turbulent flows in realisstic aerodynamic configurations.
- Multi-GPU code based on Finite Volumes methods with high order polynomial reconstruction of conservatives variables.
- Asynchronous co-processing on uused CPU cores
(2017) NCI calculations using promolecular density (ICMR and ATOS)
Développment and optimization on GPU of a specific numerical method for studying ligand-protein interaction. The main objective is to integrate this code into a genetic algorithm for modecular docking.
(2017) Yales2 GPU porting (CORIA)
Preliminary study for GPU porting of this two-phase combustion DNS simulation code.