- 2019-…
- Assistant professor, University of Pau, Laboratory of Mathematics and their applications, team “Numerical methods and complex fluids”
- Software development: HySoP : Hybrid Simulation with Particles
- Supervision:
- 2024-27 (co-supervisor at 50%): PhD of Jérémie Racot
- 2015-17
- Research engineer, expert in GPU technlogies, ROMEO HPC Center of Reims, CReSTIC, URCA
- GPU Application Lab: Expertise in porting and optimisation of GPU accelerated codes for users.
- Technology watch: Specific libraries, softwares and tools for exploiting heterogeneous clusters.
- Communication: courses in GPU technologies and hybrid computing to users and students. Development of a web-based HPC teaching platform . Contributing to scientific communications .
- Teaching: 86h in Master’s degree in Computer Science, URCA
- Collaborations:
- ONERA : Optimisation and upscaling of a multi-GPU high order finite volumes research code based on a LES method for realistic aerodynamic profiles ,
- ICMR (University of Reims) and ATOS : Optimization of a GPU code for molecular systems study based on non covalent interactions in the context of genetic algorithm ,
- CORIA (University of Rouen) : Preliminary study of GPU porting of the two-phase combustion code Yales2 ,
- IRMA (University of Strasbourg) : GPU porting of a research code on plasmas simulations,
- Maison de la Simulation : Design of an aggregation tool for renergy performances.
- 2011-14
- PhD in Applied Mathematics:
- Title: Model coupling, multiscale algorithms and hybrid computing
- Place: Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
- Supervisors: G.-H. Cottet and C. Picard
- Research: Analysis and extension of a remeshed paricle method, multiscale algorithms implementation on GPU, multi-CPU/multi-GPU hybrid computations on regional and local clusters, applications to turbulent flows simulation.
- Communication: National and international conferences , peer reviewed articles , user and developper technical report.
- C3I certification: HPC certification, GENCI.
- Teaching: Computer science and programming techinques (135 h, Cours/TD/TP, L1), multivariate functions and linear algebra (36 h, TD, L2), Scilab practical session: image, signal, interpolation, curves and surfaces (27 h, TP, L1).
- PhD defended on the 4th of december 2014
- 2013
- Semaine d’Étude Mathématiques et Entreprises, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble
- Exploring an industrial problem by PhD students and graduate.
- Kolor project: Sparce modelig of colors transfert functions with Bezier curves.
- 2012-12
- Centre d’Eté Mathématique de Recherche Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (CEMRACS), Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille
- Industrial research projetct in an academic context.
- Cisco project: Cloud computing elasticity as a query transport. Numerical simulation of the behavior of a virtual machines set based on a finite volume scheme to automate cloud elasticity .
- 2010-11
- Research intenship: Evaliating of stretching term various formulations in 3D Vortex Blob method and applications to crossflow jets and vorticity rings, Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes (LOMC), Université du Havre
- Numerical simulation of crossflow jet. Study of numerical instabilities on vorticity rings.
- 2010
- Engineer internship: Numerical caracterisation of marine current turbines, Institut Francais de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la MER (IFREMER), Boulogne-Sur-Mer et LOMC, Université du Havre
- Numerical simulations of turbulent flow interacting with marine current turbine .
Research interests
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- High performance computing, hybrid computing, distributed and shared memory parallelism, GPU.
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- Numerical methods, Particle methods with remeshign (Particle-In-Cell), hybrid numerical methods.
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- Porous media, reactive flows through porous media, pore-scale.
- 2011-14
- PhD in Applied Mathematics, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.
- 2011
- Mathematics Engineer, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen
- Numerical analysis, differential calculus, software engineering, artificial intelligence, inverse problems, non linear automatic control
- 2011
- Master 2 Research: Mathematics and Computer Science of complex and distributed systems, Université du Havre
- Complex systems modeling, non linear analysis, dynamic systems, complexity and interaction networks, code mobility.
Technical skills
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- Parallel computing: CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC, OpenMP, MPI
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- Programming: Python, C/C++, Fortran, Shell Unix
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- Tools : Jupyter, TAU, Scalasca, git, svn, ParaView, HDF5, Gnuplot, , AMC
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- Languages : French: native, English: fluent
Collective responsibilities
- 2021
- Member of selection commitee for Assistant Professor in section 26/60 at University of Côte d’Azur
- 2019-…
- Member of board for Skill Certificate in High Performance Computing delivered by the GENCI
- 2019-…
- Member of recruitment commitee for student in MIBD master
- 2018-…
- In charge of pedagogic organization of L1-MIASHS, UPPA (Mathematics and Computer Science applied to Human and Social Sciences)
- 2015-17
- Animating activities of the Maison de la Simulation de Champagne-Ardenne. Co-organization of ROMEO annual scientific day
- 2012-14
- Represent PhD student for IT laboratory managment
- 2012
- Organization of the welcome day for new PhD and post-doc