execute_batch_scheduler.backends module

Different workload manager interface for cell execution magics.

List of defined class:

  • BaseMgr : Abstract class for functionnal specifications

  • BasicMgr : Simple bash execution (testing purposes). One should use %%script bash or %%bash magics instead

  • SSHMgr : Execute cell content through SSH on a distant machine.

  • SlurmMgr : Execute cell content as a Slurm job

    Inheritance diagram of execute_batch_scheduler.backends
class execute_batch_scheduler.backends.BaseMgr(args, shell)

Bases: object

Abstract base class for description of workload manager interface.

Any derived class must implement the init function, how to submit a cell, how to monitor job progression and how to get output from execution.


get_output() Get the job output and error.
submit(content) Submission of the cell content to the workload manager.
wait_progress() Interact with workload manager to notify job progression and states.
__init__(args, shell)

Initialize the workload manager interface.

Derived class should instanciate a subprocess.Popen object to interact with.


args : str

String containing workload scheduler specific arguments.

shell : str

Shell to use whithin the workload scheduler


Get the job output and error.


stdout: str

Job standard output

stderr: str

Job standard errput


Submission of the cell content to the workload manager.

Use a subprocess.Popen instance to comunicate cell content.


content: str

IPython cell content.


Interact with workload manager to notify job progression and states.

class execute_batch_scheduler.backends.BasicMgr(args, shell)

Bases: execute_batch_scheduler.backends.BaseMgr

Basic backend.

Use a simple bash execution for testing purposes. This is not a replacement of the builtin IPython %%bash magics


get_output() Skip ouptut.
submit(content) Submit the cell content to the Popen instance.
wait_progress() Skip progression.
__init__(args, shell)

Initialize the default manager


Skip ouptut. Cell output already displayed on submit


Submit the cell content to the Popen instance. Return the output and error.


Skip progression. Cell already executed on submit.

class execute_batch_scheduler.backends.SSHMgr(args, shell)

Bases: execute_batch_scheduler.backends.BaseMgr

SSH based manager.

Reach a distant machine through SSH to execute cell content as a script. SSH is running in batch mode without standard input interaction with user, so it must connect without password or passphrase.


get_output() Get job output
submit(content) Submit the cell content to the Popen instance.
wait_progress([silent]) Wait for progression.
__init__(args, shell)

Initialize the workload manager interface for SSH.

It rely on ssh -n so ssh must connect without any password and passphrase. The ssh command is achieved through a subprocess.Popen object


args : str

String containing workload scheduler specific arguments.

shell : str

Shell to use whithin the workload scheduler


Get job output


stdout: str

Job standard output

stderr: str

Job standard errput


Submit the cell content to the Popen instance.


content: str

IPython cell content.


Wait for progression.


slient : bool (default=False)

Display or not a progression state.

class execute_batch_scheduler.backends.SlurmMgr(args, shell)

Bases: execute_batch_scheduler.backends.BaseMgr

Slurm workload manager.

It enforces the slurm standard output and error files to be read and display in Cell output after completion.

Slurm output and error files are stored in $HOME/python-execute-slurm.${SLURM_JOB_ID}.[out|err].


Add a way to change out/err slurm files location.


get_output() Get the job output and error.
submit(content) Submission of the cell content to the workload manager.
wait_progress([silent]) Interact with workload manager to notify job
__init__(args, shell)

Initialize the slurm submission.

The sbatch command is achieved through a subprocess.Popen object


args : str

String containing workload scheduler specific arguments.

shell : str

Shell to use whithin the workload scheduler


Get the job output and error.

Read slurm standard and output files.


stdout: str

Job standard output read from slurm output file.

stderr: str

Job standard errput read from slurm error file.


Submission of the cell content to the workload manager.

Use a Popen instance. Return the output and error of submission.


content: str

IPython cell content.


stdout: str

Submission command standard output.

stderr: str

Submission command standard errput.


Interact with workload manager to notify job progression and states


slient : bool (default=False)

Display or not a progression state.